33 Countries of Origin’ Profiles

Produced by Euro-CIDES -FR- CAPTIVE/ JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/VICT/9243 Gender Based Violence https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10092/11184/Women-of-the- Sahara.pdf?sequence=1 “ Concealing Violence Against Women in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps: The politicisation of Victimhood ” (Chapter 5) Helena Fiddian -Qasmiyeh https://books.google.fr/books?hl=fr&lr=&id=LTMHDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT152&dq=gend er+violence+against+sahrawi+women&ots=ZTJnvm3kdw&sig=Qi_v0oL9In- dtnJqPB6wHPQGIlw#v=onepage&q=gender%20violence%20against%20sahrawi%20women &f=false Abstract / After presenting a brief history of the conflict over the Western Sahara and an outline of the Sahrawi refugee camps themselves, the author analyses a selection of claims commonly made regarding Sahrawi refugee women. She then highlights the extent to which Sahrawi officials and refugee youth proclaim the absence of violence against women in the camps as a way of demonstrating the “uniqueness” of the Sahrawi camps, and argue that violence against women has been highly politicised by Sarawi representatives and their Western observers in a number of ways. With reference to specific instances of violence she examines why certain forms of violence are silenced and categorized as “private” by the Polisario Front while others are publicly highlighted in the international arena. The author argues that different categories of violence against women serve particular political purposes and are explicitly invoked by the Polisario and that the concealment of violence against women in the camps is designed to validate the Polisario’s claims of the Sahrawi’s “uniqueness” whilst simultaneously being clearly detrimental to the well -being and safety of Sahrawi women in the camps. “ Refugee women in the Sahrawi camps: towards gender equality ” by Carolina Jiménez Sánchez, 2016 / Chapter 2.2 (page 319 and following ones) The Sahrawi people in the refugee camps in Algeria. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309359594_Refugee_women_in_the_Sahrawi_c amps_towards_gender_equality Abstract / Is the involvement of Sahrawi women in the administration of the camps making a difference in comparison with other refugee camps? Is any kind of gender dimension being implemented?