33 Countries of Origin’ Profiles

PERU 5 GBV Peru’s rank in Gender Inequality Index is 86 18 , and for Global Gender Gap Index, its rank is 80. 19 In 2016, 68.2% of Peruvian women who were once married suffered some type of violence by the husband or partner. Among the types of violence, psychological and/or verbal violence was the most common (64.2 %), followed by physical violence (31.7%) and sexual violence (6.6%). 20 Violence by the husband or partner was higher among divorced, separated or widowed women (87.5%); (71.4%), low economic (70.9%) and rural residents (70.3%). 21 Women victims of psychological and/or verbal violence reported having experienced some form control by their husband or partner (60.5%), the most frequent expression of control is the insistence on where the women have gone (43.5%) and jealousy (39.2%) 22 . Women were also asked if they had sought help and where they went, with the results showing that most approached nearby friends or relatives (44.1%), while 27.2% sought help in some institution. 23 In 2016, among the most frequent reasons for not seeking help, they mentioned that it was not necessary (44.5%), they felt ashamed (16.0%) and did not know where to go /did not know about services %). 24 Peru does not have specific legislation for Gender Based Violence, although its constitution includes some measures related to domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual harassment or human trafficking. 25 The National Program against Family and Sexual Violence of the Ministry of Women and Social Development (MIMDES), is the body responsible for designing and implementing a level national actions and policies for prevention, care and support for people involved in acts of family violence from a gender perspective. This program has a free 24 hours emergency phone line (Line 100) that offers orientation to victims of domestic violence, referring cases to any of their 89 Emergency Women's Centers or to shelters, which provide temporary protection to victims of violence whose life is in 18 Gender Inequality Index: A composite measure reflecting inequality in achievement between women and men in three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment and the labour market. Source: Human Development Report, UNDP (2016) 19 The Global Gender Gap Index benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, political, education and health criteria. Source: World Economic Forum, the Global Gender Gap Report 2016. 20 Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, 2014. Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar (ENDES) 2016. Lima, Peru, p. 401 21 ibid, p. 402 22 ibid, p. 406 23 ibid, p. 429 24 ibid, p. 433 25 http://evaw-global-database.unwomen.org/en/countries/americas/peru