33 Countries of Origin’ Profiles

PERU 3 Political Situation The constitution decrees a popularly elected president serving a five-year term. The president selects the prime minister who presides over the rest of the ministers. The country also possesses a unicameral legislature popularly elected to five-year terms. Peru, as other Latin-American nations, is very prone to vote for and support the most charismatic figures of the political leaders. 8 Candidates rather than parties or ideologies are the key voting elements. The current chief of state is Pedro Kuczynski, who was been elected in 2016. 9 Peru has more military activity. On one hand, Peru faced the serious challenge of one of the most ruthless guerrilla groups on the continent, popularly known as the Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso). On the other hand, the increase of the cocaine drug trade also contributed. 10 The poverty rate has dropped substantially during the last decade but remains stubbornly high at about 30% (more than 55% in rural areas). There is a shortage of doctors, nurses, and health care facilities, particularly outside the Lima urban area, and the country faces a difficult path to adequate health service for its population. Sanitation is another major problem, with most cities lacking adequate sewerage as well as street lighting and paving. 11 Cultural Traditions Differences in lifestyles and attitudes are pronounced. Peruvians of Spanish descent and Mestizos live mainly along the coast and contr ol most of the country’s wealth . The Spanish-speaking Mestizos make up the middle class of Peruvian society. They hold managerial, administrative, and professional jobs, but some are also small landowners and labourers. The complex ethnic and cultural mixture of Peru presents an intertwining of aboriginal pantheism, Spanish mysticism, and African religious practices. 12 Peru maintains an implicit caste system, but is a non-official system. Race and/or ethnicity is the major variable to divide the population into groupings. In Peru's racial hierarchy, Whites occupy the highest positions in the country and also possess the highest level of schooling. The rest of the population concentrates in the lowest part depending on their skin colour and implied cultural status. Language and dress are the most common symbols to designate either caste or class differences in Peru. Native American communities still maintain their indigenous languages. Many of these Indian 8 http://www.everyculture.com/No-Sa/Peru.html 9 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-19928905 10 ibid 11 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/pe.html 12 http://www.everyculture.com/No-Sa/Peru.html