United Kingdom
Organisations in the UK |
Weblink | Telephone contacts |
What does this service do? |
Organisations in the UK |
Weblink | Telephone contacts |
What does this service do? |
UK police (emergency) | 999 | The police in the UK recognise violence and abuse against women and can protect you from harm CALL THE POLICE IN EMERGENCY. THEY WILL HELP TO PREVENT HARM TO YOU OR OTHERS |
National Domestic Violence Helpline | www.nationaldomestic violencehelpline.org.uk | 0808 2000247 | You can speak to a member of the helpline team at any time, day or night, if you are worried about domestic violence for yourself or a friend or family member. The helpline adviser will offer confidential, non-judgmental information and expert support. CALL THIS NUMBER FOR HELP WITH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE |
Women’s Aid | www.womensaid.org.uk | 0808 2000247 | Here you can find information to support women who are victims of domestic abuse. If you need to speak in another language, the service will find someone who can speak in your language. GET INFORMATION ABOUT DOMESTIC ABUSE AND VIOLENCE |
Modern Slavery Helpline | unseenuk.org | 08000 121700 | Service to support people who are experiencing slavery, forced labour, exploitation or made to work or otherwise controlled against their will A NUMBER TO CALL IF YOU ARE BEING FORCED TO DO SEX WORK OR OTHER KIND OF WORK |
Rape Crisis England and Wales | www.rapecrisis.org.uk | 0808-8029999 | Service to support any survivor of sexual assault or rape. You can be connected with a service in your local area if you wish. You can call this confidential number from 12 noon - 2.30pm and 7 - 9.30pm every day of the year IF SOMEONE HAS HURT YOU SEXUALLY, YOU CAN GET HELP FROM THIS SERVICE |
Southall Black Sisters | www.southallblacksisters.org.uk | 0208 571 0800 | SBS is a group of black and minority women with years of experience of struggling for women’s human rights in the UK. SBS gives specialist advice, information, casework, advocacy, counselling and self-help support services in several community languages, especially South Asian languages. Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am – 4:30pm CALL THIS NUMBER IF YOU NEED ANY HELP WITH VIOLENCE OR ABUSE AND WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE OF SAME CULTURE |
Daughters of Eve | www.dofeve.org | 0798 3030488 (can be texted) | A service to protect girls and young women who are at risk from female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM is a dangerous practice and is against the law. If you or someone you know is in immediate risk of harm you can call the emergency services by dialling 999. The police and health services recognise FGM and can protect you from harm. If you would like more information or advice for FGM, please get in touch with Daughters of Eve. CONTACT THIS NUMBER FOR HELP WITH FGM |
UK police (non-emergency) | 101 | You can call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. IF YOU NEED SOME ADVICE FROM THE POLICE YOU CAN CALL THIS NUMBER |

Organisations in RLP/Germany |
Target Group | What does this service do? | Telephone Contacts or accessibility |
Organisations in RLP/Germany |
Target Group | What does this service do? | Telephone Contacts or accessibility |
Nationwide Helpline | The helpline is directed towards women and girls affected by violence in close social relationships, by sexualized violence, stalking, forced marriage and female trafficking, genital mutilation or sexual harassment in the workplace. | 24-hour service, accessible to all, and available in different languages It offers an initial consultation, and if necessary a subsequent referral to an appropriate counselling service in the victims own immediate area. Counselling is confidential and strictly anonymous. |
08000116016 |
Women ́s refuge advice Centres | Women suffering crises in their relationship with a partner, violence in close social relationships, forced marriage and stalking | Preventive counselling Crisis intervention an long-term psychosocial counselling schemes Information on legal rights General advice on welfare rights, especially with regards to separations, questions regarding health status etc. Accompaniment and support in dealings with officials and other institutions |
The women concerns make contact with the women refuge counselling services themselves, or do so after a recommendation from doctors, the police or social workers. Centres in 14 cities www.frauenhaeuser-rlp.de/ |
Women refuges Protection and Shelter | Women threatened with a subjected to violence in close social relationships, and who are seeking protection and shelter in the women refuge | Anonymous lodging and shelter for women and their children Wide range of information, psychosocial counselling and support for women and children, including those subjected to stalking, forced marriage Support in the development of an neq outlook on life Information on legal, financial and health issues Accompaniment and support in dealings with officials and other institutions Support for mothers in parenting matters Reception open day and night |
The women concerned make contact with the refuges themselves or are referred by the police, doctors or social workers Refuges in 17 cities www.frauenhaeuser-rlp.de/ |
Intervention Centres | Women who are victims of violence in close social relationships and stalking and who with their agreement are referred by the police to an advice centre | Short-term crisis intervention (max. of 3 contacts in the rule) Psychosocial initial consultation and stabilization of the women Information about possible indictable, criminal and civil offences, especially in respect of the Protection against violence acts. Compilation of a risk assessment and an individual security plan for women and their children Referral to specialist counselling and support services |
Contact is made through the police The service then makes direct contact with those concerned. In 16 cities www.opferschutz.rlp.de/ |
Autonomous women helpline | Women and girls directly affected, as well as their family members in cases of sexualized violence, i.e. sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape | Psychosocial counselling services and crisis intervention Counselling women who have experienced sexualized violence in childhood Legal rights information Accompaniment of victims to the police, court hearings, doctors, ... Self-help groups Advisory services for victims trusted representatives, facilitators |
The women directly affected contact the helpline themselves, or following a recommendation from the police, doctors, or social workers In 12 cities www.frauennotruf.de/ |
Police emergency | Protection and assistance for victims Prevention of violence against persons Situation and hazard assessment Initiation of law enforcement Analysis of the perpetrator-victim relationship de-escalation Mediation of victims at assistance facilities |
Phone 110 | |
Solwodi Solidarity with women in distress - |
SOLWODI is committed to improving the position of women and children from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Central, Eastern and South Eastern European countries, who have fallen into disasters and prostitution in their countries or in the Federal Republic of Germany. | www.solwodi.de |
Organisations in the Spain |
Weblink | Telephone contacts |
What does this service do? |
Organisations in the Spain |
Weblink | Telephone contacts |
What does this service do? |
ATENPRO: Telephone Service for Care and Protection of Victims of Gender Violence | http://www.violenciagenero.msssi.go b.es/informacionUtil/recursos/servici oTecnico/home.html | 016 (the most common) or 900 116 016 | A group of specialists provide immediate care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, wherever they are. Women who can use this service are those who do not live with the person or people who have abused them and those who participate in the specialised care programmes for victims of gender based violence existing in their autonomous territory. It is important to know that this call will not be registered in the agenda of the telephone from which they are calling. |
Information for women | http://www.inmujer.es/servRecursos /centrosAtencion/home.htm | 900191010 | Contact this number for any information for women. In their weblink you will also find resources for women in each autonomous territory. It is free of charge from 9 am to 11 pm from Monday to Friday, except on national holidays. |
Information for deaf women. | 900152152 | Contact this number for any information for women in case you are deaf women. In their weblink you will also find resources for women in each autonomous territory. It is free of charge from 9 am to 11 pm from Monday to Friday, except on national holidays. | |
Spain National Police Emergency | https://www.policia.es/telefonos_em ergencias.php | 091 | You can call 091 to report crime and other concerns that require an emergency response. It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. |
Spain National Police Emergency | https://www.policia.es/telefonos_em ergencias.php | 091 | You can call 091 to report crime and other concerns that require an emergency response. It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. |
Spain Civilian Police | http://www.guardiacivil.es/es/servici os/atencionciudadano_1/emergencia s/index.html | 062 | You can call 062 to report crime and other concerns that require an emergency response. It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. |
Spain Health Emergency | http://www.epes.es/?estaticos=emer gencias-sanitarias | 061 | You can call this number just in case a person's life may be in danger, these are extremely serious cases. It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. |
Every type of emergency | http://www.112.es/ | 112 | The most immediate possible assistance to the demands of citizens throughout the country who are in a situation of personal or collective risk. They will communicate with health emergency services or other specialists if necessary. It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. |
Information for women | https://wrap.msssi.gob.es/recursos- vdg/search/Search.action | 016 | In this link of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, users can access to information in an interactive way through a map, in cases of gender violence. This includes support and prevention public services for situations of gender-based violence (police, judicial and information resources, care and advice). For each resource the web site provides description of the service, postal address and contact telephone numbers. |
Organisations in the Italy |
Weblink | Telephone contacts |
What does this service do? |
Organisations in the Italy |
Weblink | Telephone contacts |
What does this service do? |
National Gender Based Violence Helpline”Telefono Rosa ») | https://www.telefonorosa.it/gest ore-1522/ | 1522 | Il 1522 è un servizio pubblico promosso dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità. Il numero, gratuito è attivo 24 h su 24, accoglie con operatrici specializzate le richieste di aiuto e sostegno delle vittime di violenza e stalking. |
Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità | http://www.osservatoriointerven titratta.it/ | 800 290 290 | Il numero verde Antitratta è attivo tutti i giorni della settimana, 24 ore su 24, su tutto il territorio nazionale, per favorire l'emersione del fenomeno e supportare le vittime di tratta e sfruttamento, offrendo informazioni sulle possibilità di aiuto e assistenza e mettendo in contatto con i servizi socio-assistenziali territoriali. |
Comando dei Carabinieri | 112 | Numero gratuito di pronto intervento del corpo dei Carabinieri per segnalare maltrattamenti, violenze sessuali, ... | |
Il Centro di Ascolto dei Comuni di Valderice e Buseto Palizzolo opera: Via S.Barnaba, 73 - Valderice presso il Servizio Politiche Sociali |
donne-stopviolenza@libero.it | tel. 800894002 |
Casa dei giovani OnlusProgetto MAddalena | http://www.casadeigiovani.it | 091/583232 3351371873 Numero verde 800110678 | Protezione sociale delle donne e minori vittime della tratta e dello sfruttamento. Assistenza medica, legale e attività di Segretariato Sociale, Accoglienza di emergenza temporanea per le donne che necessitano di un allontanamento dal luogo. Unità Mobile di Strada per assistenza alle donne, con finalità di prevenzione, riduzione al danno e funge da collegamento con i servizi nel caso in cui venga espressa una richiesta di aiuto. Struttura di Accoglienza per donne della tratta. Il servizio opera nel Palermitano e nel Trapanese (Erice) |
Associazione Pellegrino della Terra Onlus | https://www.facebook.com/Pell egrinodellaTerra/ | 091 982 5968 3280972819 | L’Associazione “Pellegrino della Terra Onlus” Onlus, fondata nel 1996 ed operante nel territorio palermitano, accoglie donne immigrate vittime della tratta e dello sfruttamento sessuale. L’associazione ha anche uno sportello di Informazione ed Orientamento a servizio di migranti e comunità straniere operante nel trapanese per facilitare l’accesso dei migranti e la fruizione dei servizi del territorio (Servizi sanitari, Scuole, uffici amministrativi, etc), attraverso attività di segretariato sociale, accompagnamento al disbrigo pratiche amministrative e mediazione linguistica |
Centro Astalli | http://www.centroastalli palermo.it | 0917216301 | Servizio medico e sportello legale per le donne e uomini vittime di tortura |
CARITAS Centro Agape | http://www.caritaspalermo.it | 0916174074 | Il centro offre servizi di assistenza legale, sostegno psicologico e sanitaria per i migranti (in particolare vittime di tratta) |
CEMI Centro Migranti Chiesa Evangelica Metodista |
cemi.splinder.com/tag/servizi | 0916811106 | Accoglienza, orientamento al lavoro, consulenza lavorativa, sanitaria e legale |
Le Onde Onlus | www.leonde.org | 091327973 / 091329604 | Consulenza legale/psicologica; Ascolto e sostegno, Ospitalità a donne singole e con bambini vittime di violenza |
Azienda Sanitaria Palermo Centro Salute Immigrati |
091 7032379 | Assistenza sanitaria di I livello per adulti e bambini immigrati, mediante rilascio codici STP e ENI;assistenza sanitaria attiva;assistenza ginecologica e ostetrica counselling e informazione | |
Azienda Sanitaria Palermo Servizio di accoglienza per cittadini extra e comunitari (S.A.R.I.) |
091.7035465 / 7035468 | Assistenza sanitaria e sociale agli stranieri; sportello sociale con attività di ascolto e orientamento | |
INMP Istituto Nazionale per la promozione della salute delle popolazioni Migranti ed il contrasto delle malattie della Povertà |
091.6664554 / 091.6664715 | Poliambulatorio specialistico per le vittimedi tortura, ginecologia, malattie infettive, sportello per il servizio di assistenza sociale, legale e di orientamento scolastico per minori, anagrafe assistiti. | |
Santa Chiara | 091.331141 | Sportello informativo, consulenza legale, asili e ludoteche, lavoro, corsi italiano, gruppi apparta- mento, Centro giovanile) | |
Associazione Extra | 3289124447 | Associazione di donne straniere che gestisce: Centro ascolto per donne e famiglie immigrate, consulenza psicologica, consulenza legale, orientamento | |
Pronto soccorso Nazionale Provincia di Trapani
Assistenza sanitaria in situazioni emergenziali e possibilità di farsi “refertare” le violenze subite | |
Polizia di Stato | 113 | Il 113 è un numero di pubblica utilità attivo 24 ore su 24 collegato con la Centrale Operativa della Questura che in tempo reale dispone l’immediato intervento sul posto della più vicina “volante” nei casi di segnalazione di reati | |
La casa di Venere | https://www.facebook.com/La- Casa-Di-Venere-Centro- Antiviolenza-Marsala- 1769975453222653/ | 338 541 5985 | La Casa di Venere è un centro antiviolenza a Marsala, che accoglie e sostiene, legalmente e psicologicamente, tutte le donne vittime di violenza |
Rete dei Centri di ascolto Provincia di Trapani
Centro di ascolto ed accoglienza per donne e minori in difficoltà per violenze, maltrattamenti, violenze sessuali. I servizi offerti dai centri di ascolto sono: Ascolto telefonico -Servizio di prima accoglienza consulenza legale e psicologica - Valorizzazione delle informazioni circa le ri- sorse disponibili sul territorio. | |
Associazione Marhaba | https://www.facebook.com/Mar habaOnlus12/ | 388 573 8012 | Aiuti umanitari a famiglie disagiate comunitarie e non. smistamento abbigliamento ed alimenti e consulenza legale (Marsala) |
Associazione Demetra | Sportello presso i Servizi Sociali del comune di Mazara del Vallo Palazzo della Legalità via Giotto | 3389835114 | Sportello di ascolto e informazione sito A Mazara del Vallo per promuovere azioni di prevenzione ed contrasto del fenomeno della violenza nei confronti delle donne |
Caritas Diocesi di Mazara del vallo – Servizio Unità di Strada | 3284375817 | Unità di strada per combattere il fenomeno delle donne vittime di tratta |
Organisations in the Malta |
Weblink | Telephone contacts |
What does this service do? |
Organisations in the Malta |
Weblink | Telephone contacts |
What does this service do? |
Supportline 179 | https://fsws.gov.mt/en/appogg/Page s/support-line-179.aspx | 179 | You can call the helpline at any time, day or night, in situations of crisis and emergency, including domestic violence, child abuse or other involving yourself or a friend or family member. The helpline adviser will offer confidential, non-judgmental information and expert support. |
Victim Support Malta (VSM) | www.victimsupport.org.mt | 21228333 | If you’ve experienced or are experiencing violence, VSM can support you by providing free emotional support, practical assistance and legal information. VSM also runs a specialised service for sexual assault/rape. |
Women’s Rights Foundation | https://www.wrf.org.mt | 79708615 | Free legal assistance for survivors of domestic violence and gender- based violence. |
Appogg – Domestic Violence Unit/ Child Protection | https://fsws.gov.mt/en/appogg/Page s/Intake-and-Protection- Services/Domestic-Violence- Unit.aspx https://fsws.gov.mt/en/appogg/Page s/Intake-and-Protection- Services/Child-Protection- Services.aspx |
22959000 | You can contact Appogg to access support with immediate needs in situations of domestic violence and help drafting a safety plan. Appogg also offer Child Protection Services for children at risk of/in situations of abuse or neglect. |
Soar, St. Jeanne Antide | https://www.facebook.com/soarservi ce/ | 21808981 27672367 21809011 | Peer-to-peer support group run by domestic violence survivors. |
Genito Urinary Clinic (GU) Mater Dei | https://sexualhealth.gov.mt | 21227981 | Get free STD testing, diagnosis and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections, counselling and testing for HIV and other genital conditions not necessarily sexually acquired. All services are free (for locals and foreigners) and confidential. |
Migrant Women Association Malta | http://migrantwomenmalta.org | 7952 8945 | A local service run by migrant women for migrant women. MWAM runs a mental health service focusing specifically on migrant women and sexual and gender-based violence. |
Malta Police Force (emergency) | https://pulizija.gov.mt/en/Pages/Ho me.aspx | 112 | You can call the police in emergency or if you’d like to report a crime. They will be able to assist you and prevent harm to you or others. |
Victim Support Unit (Malta Police Force) | https://pulizija.gov.mt/en/police- force/police-sections/Pages/Victim- Support-Unit.aspx | 22942160 | You can access the services of the Victim Support Unit, when you report a crime to the police. The Unit can provide you with additional support and referrals to other services. |
Dar Merhba Bik | darmerhbabik.org | 21440035 | This is an emergency shelter for women and children in situations of domestic violence. |
Dar Qalb Ta’ Gesu’ | https://www.facebook.com/qalbtage su/ | 21224347 | This is a second-stage shelter helping women in situations of domestic violence get back on their feet |